Friday, April 20, 2007

Book Sale!!!!!!!!!

Today St. Barnabus Church in St. Lambert held their annual book sale. My mom, Jarad and I thought it would be a good idea to check it out. Here are some of our finds for the day.

For Morgan, look at the titles, need I say more:

For Jarad (he was particularly excited about the Toy Story one):

For the lovely Miss Ariel, who reads a book or two a night, I bought a whole box of Babysitter Club and Choose Your Own Adventure books:

For Mom:

Daddy didn't get any books since he is not a big reader. However, he did recommend I read this one:



Anonymous said...

Robyn used to love the babysitter series. Robyn and Chris both enjoyed spending their allowances at Coles. You sure got a good collection today.


Joyce & Ken said...

Looks like you found some great buys Sherri.I guess the kids loved them.Mom