Saturday, April 28, 2007

Fun in the rain

I took the day off work on Friday. I had planned to take off our winter tires, but since the ground was wet, I put it off. In the morning, Jarad & I took a walk over to the soccer field to kick the ball around, and practice passing. When we were done the stores were open, so we went shopping with Sherri, and bought a new dishwasher and microwave range hood. We decided not to buy a fridge at this point, given ours is still working fine. We did however get the dimensions of the fridge we wanted so it will fit with our new cabinets that are being installed in June. When the shopping was done, we tried out a new Chinese food place for lunch, and then Jarad and I went fishing. I had forgotten a bucket, so after we caught a fish we filled up a plastic bag with water, and brought the fish home in a bag to release in the pond.

In the evening, Sherri took the older kids shopping and came back with a new sink & faucets. Jarad & I went over to the neighbours to help them program their remote control, and then we had a campfire. Around 10 pm, we got out spotlight out, and Ariel & Morgan hunted worms for fishing.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have a ton of worms all over the driveway from all the rain. They were even in my garage.
