Sunday, April 15, 2007

I'm supposed to be gardening


Here are some pictures Karen took Friday morning, more snow expected tonight. I started the Dalia's inside this weekend, but it seems like it will be long time before they make it outside.



Sherri & Mark said...

Crazy spring. I had planned to take the trailer out of the garage today as it is the first night we're aloud to start parking on the street overnight...but with the snow I don't think we'll need the trailer for a while :)

Someone gave us a dafadihl plant...when should we plant it ?

Anonymous said...

Living in Guelph isn't so bad. We actually only had rain today. Last week my tulips were covered in snow, but not as much as you guys. When will it be warm out?


Neil & Karen said...

Normally Dafadihl's are out in early May. You usually plant a bulb in the fall and it comes up in the spring. I'd say that once the weather gets more normal it should be able to go out in a week or two.
