Saturday, May 19, 2007

Ariel's Inter-City Soccer debut

Greenfield Park has started an inter-city team for Ariel's age group. They selected the best players from the house league, and Ariel made the team. As it is the first year we have a team at this age level, and as we don't have as many girls to choose from as the other cities we are the underdogs, but it should be a good learning experience. Ariel had her first game today against Boucherville, and they played on Astroturf. Ariel was happy with the way she played, and she got a big cheer, when the goal tender was out of position, and Ariel came back, and blocked a shot that was heading for the net. Boucherville won 6 to 0 , but Ariel had fun, and she enjoyed her post game yogurt.



Joyce & Ken said...

Good Going Ariel!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on making the travel team. It is fun to be on the team even if you don't win. Good learning year for your team. Have a blast!!!