Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Jarad Kenneth Thompson

Well it is hard to believe that the lively little boy who loves Buzz Lightyear, Ninja Turtles and Lightening the Queen (how he says the name of the main character from Cars) will be four tomorrow.

This is what he looked like 4 years ago:

Here he is at a few months old:

And here he is tonight, working on his birthday cake for preschool tomorrow. He helped me bake it and decorate it:

Our masterpiece:

"How old will you be tomorrow Jarad?" asks daddy as he is snapping the picture:

Time sure flies when you are having fun!

Love you J-Man, and I hope you get to swing on a star someday, just like Buzz.



Linda said...

Happy Birthday Jarad
Love from Auntie Linda, Dan, Steven, Iain & James

Joyce & Ken said...

Happy Birthday Jarad!
Have a happy Day
Love Grandma and Grandpa

Anonymous said...

Have a fabulous birthday Jarad. Love Auntie Penny, Uncle Glenn, Robyn, Chris and Kyle.