Monday, May 07, 2007

Happy Birthday Kyle

Kyle's never ending birthday. It started on Friday night with a sleepover with 3 of his friends. Saturday morning was the big Lazer quest party with 9 friends from school. Caelum came back afterwards and stayed until 5. Chris and Val stayed for the night and helped us celebrate. Today we had the cake so that we wouldn't be rushed tomorrow with flag football. Gifts started with the famous Wii on Friday night and more surprises will be coming tomorrow. It is great to be eleven!!!


Melanie said...

Happy birthday Kyle! 11 is a pretty good year

Sherri & Mark said...

Many Happy Returns of the Day!!

Sure sounds like the celebrations are off to a great start.

Have a Happy Birthday Day.


Aunt Sherri

Joyce & Ken said...

Great pics,glad his birthday was such fun .Love Grandma and Grandpa