Saturday, May 05, 2007

Special Visitors

Yesterday Mark was transferred to his room at the hospital. He asked if the kids would be allowed to visit and they told him Yes.

So last night before supper the kids and I stopped by for about an hour:

Mark explained to them about the special things on his legs and answered any other questions they had. The kids were not too upset, although Morgan was a bit nervous.

I spoke with Mark this morning and he said he did not sleep that well cause he was not comfortable and his neighbor was snoring. He called in the nurse and they shifted his position and then he slept. One of his friends from church was planning to go in this morning. The boys and I will stop by after lunch before going to Marc and Felicia's to pick up Ariel and have supper.

I think It did daddy some good to see the munchkins.



Linda said...

Still praying for God to Bless & protect Mark & family. May God continue to guide the doctors, technicians and nurses involved in Mark's care.
Love & Blessings from,

Anonymous said...

I think it probably did the kids good to see that their dad was ok and getting better.

Joyce & Ken said...

Mark is doing well and enjoyed seeing the kids.Talked to him today.Love Mom

Sherri & Mark said...

The boys and I stopped by this afternoon as well (Ariel was over at a sleepover)

Morgan bought a bug book to show Mark and Jarad brought one of his new little toys cars.

Mark rented a TV for a few days and was showing the boys how it worked.

While we were there, Mark received some flowers from one of his clients at work which made him happy.

The boys were extreamly well behaved and we stayed about an hour and then headed off to Marc and Felicia's to pick up Ariel and have supper.

Nice day and now are the kids are tired and almost asleep and I am heading to my bed too


Joyce & Ken said...

Hi All,
Dad and I went over to see Mark
last night and could see an
improvement.He is looking forward
to being more mobile.Love Mom