Friday, June 22, 2007

Catherine's Prom

Here are some pictures from Catherine's prom. Her escort, Dominic, was a childhood friend she went to grade school with. Her prom was held at the Ritz Carlton and parents were invited for the first hour to allow for more photos and a dance with her dad.


Sherri & Mark said...

What a beautiful, beautiful girl!

I hope you have an amazing prom!

Makes me want to cry, what happened to the little girl who liked to play with stuffed animals in my basement? She sure has turned into a breathtaking young woman on the inside and out!

We are very proud of you and love you very much.

Aunt Sherri

Joyce & Ken said...

You look gorgeous ,hope you had an exciting graduation.Love Grandma and Grandpa XXOO

Anonymous said...

Wow, Jaw dropping gorgeous! I absolutely love the photo of you by the window. It makes me want to scrapbook. So sophisticated, hope you have a memorable night.

Linda said...

Doesn t seem that long ago since I was at her baptism.

Neil & Karen said...

Beautiful pictures, hope you had a great time at the grad.
