Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Free At Last

When I arrived at the hospital, the prisoner was waving at me from his window in room 330:

Imagine my surprise when I got upstairs to find him packing his bags and getting ready to go home. He was not allowed to walk out of the building so I had to wheel him down:

First time outside in a week:

Here he is back at home with the kids, where he belongs:

He is feeling a little tired, but overall good. Mom and Dad stopped by to see him and Neil and Karen are here as I am typing!

We also had a lovely supper from a friend from church.

Today is a VERY GOOD day!!!!!



Anonymous said...

Welcome Home!

Linda said...

Good to see you back with the family. Take care, Love from, Linda

Joyce & Ken said...

Looking Good! Even the weather cooperated and gave you a lovely day to get home.Love Mom and Dad